Help! SAT/ACT – When to Register? When to Prepare?

Juniors everywhere are starting to think about the SAT and ACT. Along with the excitement of college visits comes the oftentimes daunting task of registering for, preparing for, and taking the SAT/ACT.

How late is too late when it comes to prepping for the SAT/ACT? Recently I heard a quote that caught me off guard. “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly” – GK Chesterton. What? I thought. It seemed I’d always heard the opposite – that if you were going to do something, you might as well give it 110%. While I think the latter is best practice, I quickly realized that the statement that caught me off guard holds some merit too.  Let me explain.

When it comes to preparing for standardized testing like the SAT or ACT, it is ideal to pace yourself and commit to regular, organized times of focus to prepare over a period of time (we recommend 10 weeks), rather than frantic cramming. Our tutors are excellent at helping high school students do just this. We work together to create a personalized and professional approach to help students study and learn in a methodical, engaging, and proven way. Reach out to our office today to learn more about our comprehensive test prep programs.

On the flip side, can we all agree that the act of brushing our teeth has significant benefits? What if you don’t/won’t/or can’t commit to the recommended two minutes of brushing? Even brushing for 30 seconds is better than none at all! If you’ve already signed up, your test is approaching quickly, and you don’t have 10 weeks to space out your preparations we have to shift our focus. Let’s work with what we do have. What can be done on short notice may not be as comprehensive as long term preparation but it is not in vain. Growing in confidence and practice in any amount is better than remaining stagnant. Call or reach out today to get started and keep moving in the right direction.

Haven’t signed up yet? Check out the chart below for testing dates, registration deadlines and when to begin your ACT/SAT College Tutors Prep:

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